
Postura do bastão com apoio em quatro membros

Finalizando Saudação ao Sol A


Foot Big Toe Posture / Foot to Hand Posture

Extended Triangle Posture

Revolved Triangle Posture

Extended Side Angle Posture

Revolved Side Angle Posture

Revolved Side Angle Posture

Feet Spread Intense Stretch Posture

Intense Side Stretch Posture

Intense Side Stretch Posture

Intense Side Stretch Posture

Extended Hand Big Toe Posture

Extended Hand Big Toe Posture

Extended Hand Big Toe Posture

Half Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Posture

Half Bound Lotus Intense Stretch Posture

Fierce Posture

Warrior Posture

Western Intense Stretch Posture

Eastern Intense Stretch Posture

Half Bound Lotus Western Intense Stretch Posture

Three Limb Face One foot Western Intense Stretch Posture

Head to Knee Posture

Dedicated To Marichi

Dedicated to Marichi

Boat Posture

Boat Posture

Arm Pressure Posture

Tortoise Posture

Sleeping Tortoise Posture

Womb Embryo Posture
Asana means a stable and comfortable meditative posture according to Patanjali. Also a specific position of the body that channels prana *, opens the chakras * and removes blockages of energy.
* Prana: vital energy force that sustains life and creation, which permeates all creation and existing in both macro and microcosms.
* Chakra: circle, wheel or vortex; pranic / psychic center in the subtle body responsible for specific physiological and psychic functions; point of conjugation of nadis *.
* Nadis: flow; subtle channel in the pranic body, leading the flow of shakti (vital energy force); comparable to the meridians of acupuncture
"If the practice is not done with devotion, there will be no surrender and it will become an obligation." An obligation is only external work, and with that attitude nothing will gain depth. We have to relate deeply to our Abhyasa (regular and constant practice), in order to become secondary, whereas it is the practice that it becomes primary, so we become practice and practice becomes soul. "
Matthew Vollmer
Below, postures - and some prepositions - used in the practice of the 1st series of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (photos to be completed).
"It is important that beginner practitioners begin gradually." Begin with Suryanamaskar, a greeting to the Sun God. This helps develop the method of correct breathing and a focused mind. Practice this for a week and then add Surya Namaskar B. Practice these two for a further week, then begin to add standing poses. One day add Padangusthasana, the next day also include Padahastasana, the day after include Trikonasana (for beginners, Trikonasana B - Twist - it is best left out). This is the method, gradually one by one, as you are able, add the postures of the first series, so after the third week you can start practicing the sitting postures, go slow, no problem. method, all students - all beginners as well - will be happy. Practicing is good. "
- "Sri K Pattabhi Jois" The Wisdom of the Masters "Yoga Journal Article